
Showing posts from June, 2022

How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


The global pandemic will leave this world in a different place than before March 2020. The impact will be seen on all of us economically, on a personal basis and our health in the coming years. Like a coin has two sides. Similarly, it has changed how education is carried out, as many companies have realised that it isn’t required to call the employees from around the world to conduct the business as one can smoothly do it over Zoom. Similarly, kids are now learning through online coding classes for kids through the work-from-home model to avoid infections and ensure no overcrowding in the classroom. Unfortunately, attendance at the school will be affected because of the frequent waves of infection. Many kids have realized the value of remote learning during this period in a positive way. Veronique Mintz, an eighth-grader had laid a convincing argument in an op-ed this week in The New York Times as “Why I’m Learning More with Distance Learning than I Do in School?” A simple fact to ba


This article will be sharing information about a programming language, Python. This programming language is a high-level, object-oriented language. Read on to learn more about what Python is and the basic concepts related to Python. WHAT IS PYTHON? Python was developed by a Dutch Programmer named Guido Van Rossum in 1991. His motive was to create an easy and intuitive language capable of competing with the other complicated alternatives. Since then, Python has left its mark among the other programming languages and is one of the widely used languages. Rossum’s vision was to create a text-based programming language that is useful and easy to learn and implement. In fact, according to Statista, Python is the most used programming language amongst developers from all over the world. (2021) POPULARITY OF PYTHON Here are the reasons why Python is popular : Open source: The most important reason for Python to be the most used programming language is that it is open-source. Anyone can contri


Parents usually don’t plan for which computer to buy for their kids like they do it for their studies, life insurance, sports etc. But with the growing trend of technology kids have started to use computers, laptops, macbooks etc. at an early age which gives birth to a common question, that is… “ With a wide range of options available, which one should we choose?” Their brain starts to rush in various directions of all the possibilities available, like whether a desktop will be a good option to give their kid the right posture or will a laptop be a good one with its portable factor? How to keep an eye on their kids, as in what are they surfing on the internet? Whether the kids are required to take it to the school? Which among the multiple options has a good memory space? The power required by the computer? For how many years will it work smoothly? The list of questions seems endless as parents always want to give their kids THE BEST! This article will brief you about which one to buy


Do you love playing games and sometimes you feel like making changes in some of your favourite ones? Do you have some innovative ideas to make other players go crazy while playing? If you have answered yes to both of them then you can become a game developer! Many students who are interested in it stop themselves from pursuing it because they are unsure about this idea in a long run. Are you also the one trying to find an answer to this? Well, we will help you. It is always better to choose colleges and universities for your career first and then move towards the next step. Hence, you should finalize a game developing university that you want to get in. Then hire a native personal statement writer to buy the appropriate coursework and apply for it. One should always go through the multiple options a particular subject offers and if you are searching for information about game development then you are at the right place. Let’s go through it together. MEANING OF GAME DEVELOPMENT The fir


As we all know, the ongoing Pandemic has confined us within the walls of our homes and that has pushed our kids to go for online learning as it wasn’t a choice but the only available option. The parents are concerned about the resultant impact of this switch on their children’s education. Remote learning can have its pitfalls but if used in an appropriate way all the pitfalls can be avoided. It has helped in reducing the COVID-19 transmission rates and that’s why the Government took up this measure of closing schools. However, this is not the only benefit so, let’s look out for some more. TIME MANAGEMENT Time is continuously passing and is a precious commodity, online classes provide you with some flexibility in it as compared to the scheduled pattern of schooling which is a real blessing. One can adjust the time for studying around work, mood swings, tiredness, emotional break-downs etc. And it allows greater efficiency and productivity among teenagers. Online learning also cuts out


We human beings are designed in a manner to face threats in life. From the stage of Early man when they used to face dangerous animals there was a sudden release of adrenalin to the present stage although we don’t face same problems but the result is quite similar. A certain amount of stress is healthy as it pushes one forward to do the task/work on time. But high levels of stress at this tender age will affect their body and brain and so they should be taught how to deal with stress . PREPARE A SCHEDULE According to a recent article by Cambridge International Organization about students’ mental health and Covid which states that school and college students faced and is facing a lot of stress during the pandemic. Every parent should plan a schedule which includes Studying, Eating and Playing as they are vital under such circumstances. At school, kids had a planned day but while staying at home it gets skipped which affects their mental health. The brain likes to work in an order and i


Every parent wants their kid to excel in their academic front, for that they need to sit with their kid and help him/her while they are doing their homework. As teaching majorly is done at school but the homework part comes under the responsibility of parents. This can be an overwhelming duty for the new parents but gradually they get adapted to it. Parents should never build the habit of doing their kid’s homework instead they should lend a helping hand. There are various online sites that write essays for college students on their demand and they work as online working assistants for the students. But the kids usually come running towards their parents with glittery eyes for help in their homework. All the parents should assist their kids in such a way that through the homework they remember what was taught in the class which will build their memory power. You all need to be patient with the kids as they might take more time to learn but never rush into completing the assignments. Le


Peter M. Brant has very well said “Art and science have so much in common- the process of trial and error, finding something new and innovative, and to experiment and succeed in a breakthrough” . The statement by Peter stands relevant today as creativity through arts and innovation through science is a deadly combination. To be good at one means to be good at the other. In today’s time, STEM and Arts cannot be stretched apart far. Parents usually realize the importance of STEM, for developing cognitive skills in their kids as well as prepare them for a better future but they tend to forget about developing their creative side as well which comes from the education of music and arts. This creative development is necessary for the kids to succeed in the future economy. Teaching kids an additional musical instrument helps in developing a higher IQ, creativity, verbal ability and non-verbal reasoning as learning something to relax, soothes one’s mind and body which is very well stated by


Scratch is a 20’s product which is a visual programming language focusing on building creativity and logical thinking. Anyone of any age can learn through this platform but kids are considered its ideal recipients. By using and learning how to use scratch kids learn how to deal with every problem in a logical and systematic way. The main objective of teaching with Scratch is to teach them the basic concepts, basic ideas and workflows about programming and computational thinking in a fun and engaging way . This will encourage the kids to learn new things and discover new paths. BENEFITS WITH SCRATCH Scratch is an online platform for creating innovative stories, games and animation which was developed by MIT. It has a concept of blocks coming together to form a puzzle. It is simple and easy to use but its simplicity doesn’t over-shadow the complex and powerful languages that it gradually unfolds. ENCOURAGES CREATIVITY AND LOGICAL REASONING Scratch develops logical reasoning and developm


In this developing era coding has turned out to be one of the most important skills that one should develop. A proper understanding of the technology is required to compete in the present and future. Kids get digital knowledge and they can even achieve academic success with coding . Coding helps kids in mathematics and develops writing skills. Kids even develop sharper cognitive skills which help them to solve real-world problems. Coding develops logical and creative skills as it is all about trial and error methods. Kids tend to be stubborn but coding teaches them patience as kids need to try again and again after every failure while coding. It provides an opportunity to learn from your mistakes . Coding is beneficial for kids but how inspire kids to learn to code ? ESSAY ON PROGRAMMING The ideal way to introduce your kids to something new is by researching it together. If they are unaware of the topic then you should start with a small project regarding the topic. You can ask their


Codingzen is an amazing platform for students to learn coding as they have highly qualified teachers who focus on concept building more than just teaching. 2. My son is a part of Codingzen and I think I made the right decision about this coding platform. This place has pushed my son from just being confined to the walls of our house to exploring everything around. 3. Codingzen has really shaped my daughter’s logical reasoning skills as she now finds logic in every problem and then understands it. Coding has helped her to find multiple solutions to one problem. 4. The best part about Codingzen is that they have varied courses according to the age of your child. In this way I could get the right course for my kid. 5. Codingzen has well-trained teachers who work towards making teaching fun and interesting and that makes my kid to eagerly sit for coding class. 6. At first my son had no interest in coding and was deeply engrossed in studies but with the advancing world an additional skil


The global Pandemic is going to leave this world in a different place than it was before December 2019. The impact will be seen on all of us economically, on a personal basis and on our health for the coming years. Like a coin has two sides, similarly it has had a good impact too like many companies have realized that it isn’t required to call the employees from around the world to conduct the business as it can be smoothly done over Zoom. Many companies have even opted for keeping their few employees at home on a Work From Home mode, not only to avoid infection but also to create less crowd at the workplace. This will benefit our environment and also the people to maintain a better balance between home and work. Kids will be at benefit too, as Remote Learning won’t disappear suddenly. Unfortunately, attendance at the school will be affected in the years 2020 and 2021 because of the frequent waves of infection. Many kids have realized the value of remote learning during this period in


The early years of childhood and adolescence are crucial ones for your kid’s career and life choices. It is therefore advised to inculcate good hobbies and habits in them. Introducing them to extra-curricular activities outside their school is also essential. This ongoing Pandemic has confined the kids to the walls of their homes. As kids are at home, it is essential to engage them in some productive activity. Kids can pick up various hobbies and parents could even introduce them to advance topics of science and technology. There is a wide range of options from joining a digital marketing course to learning a new programming language. The most important thing to keep in mind is that a kid should select some course according to his/her area of interest. For example: if your kid shows a tilt towards programming introduce him/her to Python. Python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language that has gained its importance in every sphere. Python is a kid-friendly language a


Coding is growing to be one of the essential skills that one should have. So, to it’s always better to start early because at this tender age you tend to grasp and learn quicker. Teaching children how to code from this age itself will be useful for them. Let’s discuss about the most effective way to do it. IMPORTANCE OF CODING FOR KID Let’s discuss why it is important for a kid to learn coding . With an ongoing development in the technological sector which impacts the other sectors in the market so, with the knowledge and understanding of coding it will be beneficial for him/her for future opportunities. Coding will not only help them in the IT sector but it will also help them to solve the daily problems of life. If one wants to be focused and creative side by side, then coding is the energy drink that they require. GAMIFY CODING Kids always wander about in those areas which are fun and exciting to be so, to awaken their interest in coding it should be made fun and interesting to be