How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


The early years of childhood and adolescence are crucial ones for your kid’s career and life choices. It is therefore advised to inculcate good hobbies and habits in them. Introducing them to extra-curricular activities outside their school is also essential.


This ongoing Pandemic has confined the kids to the walls of their homes. As kids are at home, it is essential to engage them in some productive activity. Kids can pick up various hobbies and parents could even introduce them to advance topics of science and technology.

There is a wide range of options from joining a digital marketing course to learning a new programming language. The most important thing to keep in mind is that a kid should select some course according to his/her area of interest. For example: if your kid shows a tilt towards

programming introduce him/her to Python.

Python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language that has gained its importance in every sphere. Python is a kid-friendly language and can be easily understood by kids as it provides numerous practical applications, which makes the process interesting.

If you want your kid to step into the world of programming, then Python is your kid’s friend. In

this article, we will discuss how Python is kid-friendly?

1. Beginner Friendly

Programming is fun and engaging but only when you thoroughly know a language. C++ and Java are common languages but their syntaxes and code structures are complicated. This often becomes a reason for beginners to refrain from coding.

Python has an intuitive text-based language with a concise syntax. Its syntax has been designed in a manner that is easily readable by humans. It is close to English which makes it easy for the readers to understand it even just by reading it. This is the main reason why Python is considered an ideal and friendly programming language.

It is beneficial to start with Python if any kid is interested in coding, it will act as a stepping stone to master other coding languages. It makes the children aware of the core principles and helps them to explore the various applications and possibilities of coding. This excites and motivates the students to master other programming languages.

2. Set-Up is easy

Python can easily be set up at home if you have a computer that uses Windows OS, your kid can comfortably learn the language at home. It does not require any specialized programming environment to start with Python. Even if you are practising the language at your coaching centre or school, you can also learn at home.

You just need to download the software from its website, and then you need to launch the installer and follow its instructions. You can use the Python interpreter to start coding. Many online resources will help you in the installation process.

3. Adds to your kid’s academic excellence

Python truly impacts your kid’s academic excellence and learning abilities. As Python deals with English, it improves your kid’s writing and story-telling skills. It teaches them how to create concise, apt and meaningful paragraphs in English.

Python prepares your kid to face the world with a solution-oriented approach as it teaches them to solve the problem as real-life scenarios. This can help them in both scientific and mathematical subjects.

4. Python is Adaptable

Python has several practical applications that range across different industries. Python is used in various fields like artificial intelligence, data science etc. Web development and Game development are the two areas where Python has a prominent role to play. So, when your kid is learning this language he/she is simply not just mastering the syntax and structure but he/she is also widening the career options.

Once your kid masters the language he/she can start developing their websites, games, animations etc. This leads to their interest in Robotics. Python helps in developing their analytical and critical thinking side as it provides them real-life scenarios, it also gives a push to their inner creative side. This is the most important reason why kids should start with Python as it leads to overall development.

5. Python has a market demand

Python was launched in the year 1991 and since then this language has never seen a downfall in its demand. Every year there is a rise of 27% in its demand which is higher than its competitors.

In the coming future too, we can expect its potential growth. So, if your kid learns Python, it will help him/her in the future with an additional skill. It will be an advantage for them while they are job hunting.

6. Python is a Popular Language

Python is a world-famous programming language and you can get a huge number of courses both offline and online on “Python for Kids”. To simplify the learning process, you can approach various online sites, e-books, demos, tutorials etc. The online platform available is there to help out your kid to discover and explore more.

For additional help, there are multiple teachers and coders across the globe and they often reach out to the students answering their questions. Your kids can also ask their queries and solve their doubts easily. This will also enhance their knowledge.

7. Python can be a Career option.

Python is a diverse language, it is used in multiple software companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, DropBox, NASA etc. As these companies grow and expand, there will be a rise in the demand for skilled Python coders. Therefore, mastering the language will open up various career options.


Therefore, we can conclude that Python is a language your kid can start your coding career. It is intuitive, text-based syntax and easy language make it a friendly option. It also helps in the development of your kid academically and in other aspects. Python is indeed in growing demand and will stay here for a long time.


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