How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Do you love playing games and sometimes you feel like making changes in some of your favourite ones?

Do you have some innovative ideas to make other players go crazy while playing? If you have answered yes to both of them then you can become a game developer! Many students who are interested in it stop themselves from pursuing it because they are unsure about this idea in a long run. Are you also the one trying to find an answer to this? Well, we will help you.


It is always better to choose colleges and universities for your career first and then move towards the next step. Hence, you should finalize a game developing university that you want to get in. Then hire a native personal statement writer to buy the appropriate coursework and apply for it. One should always go through the multiple options a particular subject offers and if you are searching for information about game development then you are at the right place. Let’s go through it together.


The first thing that every student should do is to find out the exact meaning of game development. In layman’s language, it is creating a game. The developer has to do the entire work from programming to coding the game. The concept is given by the other members of the team but it is the developer who brings it to life. There are certain aspects that a developer should keep in mind while developing a game :

  • Setting
  • Features
  • Bonuses
  • Gameplay
  • Character Development
  • Music


It requires a lot of hard work and intelligence to create a high selling game for the market. And to make such a mind-blowing game one needs to have a set of skills. Let’s discuss some of them:

  • IT SKILLS: Programming and Designing are the two key elements for developing a game. If you face difficulty in coding you might face difficulty in making a video game too. So, having good knowledge about programming skills like C++, JAVA, Lua, Perl etc. is a must. You should also have a bit of knowledge about designing the gameplay, scenery and characters. These two It skills will help you become a great developer.
  • EAGERNESS AND PATIENCE: Technical glitch is an unavoidable part of the gaming world, so one needs to be prepared with eagerness and vigour to clear out the glitch at any hour of the day with patience. Once a game is created it, requires timely updates and checks for its proper functioning. This job can be a tough one if you are impatient or have a habit of avoiding problems.
  • COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Knowing coding and designing is not enough as one needs to be good at communication. If he/she is not able to communicate his/her ideas to the other team members how will the product be made? Hence a proper conveying of the idea is necessary.
  • CREATIVITY: Creativity is a must as, without it, you might face difficulty in producing a new and audience engaging game. As you need to launch something unique and appealing to the target audience for which you need creativity in your work.
  • UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN EMOTIONS: Even though these games are virtual but they are played by humans. Hence, a developer should always consider human psychology and emotions while developing a game. As your creation should not depress the users instead they should enjoy it.
  • TIME MANAGEMENT: Time Management is a skill that every career option demands. Time management teaches you the value of time and gradually you become successful in life. It is even more important for developers as they can get fired if they fail to meet a deadline. Big brands would prefer to work with someone who delivers the work on time so, for landing at a good place you need to practice time management and become a pro at it.


In today’s era gaming industry is flourishing day by day. More and more companies are hiring game developers from multiple places. If you are extremely well versed in your work you can get paid as high as $15,000 per month. This salary is far better and satisfying than many other jobs these days. Even beginners can earn $5000 per month if they start it as their career option. Game Development prospects are so sky-reaching that GTA V earned 1 $1 Billion within just 4 days of their launch. A developer is the core element of any game, so if you work well, you earn pretty well.


Once the design of a game is formed then it is handed over to the developer for its execution. A game can never come into its existence if there is no developer behind it, who created it. Hence, there are multiple career options for a game developer:

  1. 2D Developer
  2. AI Programmer
  3. 3D Developer
  4. Lead Coder
  5. Computer Engineer


There are multiple subjects that one needs to master, to become the best game developer. The lessons which are quite common in most of the universities are :

  1. AI
  2. Programming Language
  3. Geometry
  4. Calculus
  5. Software Engineering
  6. Operating Systems
  7. Algebra
  8. Computer Interface
  9. Trigonometry
  10. Game Physics
  11. Designing
  12. Audio Formatting
  13. Animation
  14. Drawing

These are the most important ones and there are more subjects that you learn while pursuing this course.


We hope this blog might have helped you in enhancing your knowing about game development as a career option. If you are truly craving to share your creative ideas and implement them in games then surely go ahead, there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you. Do what your heart and passion suggest you to do. Do not kill the curiosity within you.


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