How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Coding is growing to be one of the essential skills that one should have. So, to it’s always better to start early because at this tender age you tend to grasp and learn quicker. Teaching children how to code from this age itself will be useful for them. Let’s discuss about the most effective way to do it.



Let’s discuss why it is important for a kid to learn coding. With an ongoing development in the technological sector which impacts the other sectors in the market so, with the knowledge and understanding of coding it will be beneficial for him/her for future opportunities. Coding will not only help them in the IT sector but it will also help them to solve the daily problems of life. If one wants to be focused and creative side by side, then coding is the energy drink that they require.


Kids always wander about in those areas which are fun and exciting to be so, to awaken their interest in coding it should be made fun and interesting to be in. The most effective way would be to give your children a gamified experience in coding. For example. While teaching them various computer languages like Java tell them how they can create their own Minecraft using this language. If you are successful in making this process fun then the further development will be done easily.


As it is rightly said “first impression is the last impression” so when you are introducing Coding to your kids for the first time let not there that common printing of “Hello World” as it would fail to describe them the other fascinating things that programming holds. Try innovative, creative and kids engaging methods to introduce them to the 3rd world, that’s coding.

Every time when a kid is introduced to a new and probably a hard task, do mention the benefits of achieving that task, the fun and the joyous ride they will go through which will involve learning and knowing altogether during this process and the kid should sit with a proper mindset before starting the work. With your mindset you can make it or break it so sitting with a positive mindset is important for the kid, so inculcating optimistic thinking ability is necessary in every kid to work in any field.

If your kid is watching a video game or a website that they are going through you can start off by encouraging them by narrating how they can also create one. You should also assure them that you will provide them all the necessary material for it. Getting them sparked up at this young age itself for coding will help them bring out their creativity, productivity and cooperation for their future goals.

Programming should be introduced to every kid in an interesting and fun way and not in a way that would bore out that kid. You can do it by introducing the fun parts initially and then gradually move to the programming part. You should also guide them that at first things can be hard and frustrating but they should not lose hope.


There are multiple of platforms like Apps, Academies, Private Tuitions etc. to provide your kid a gamified version of programming. For example : CodeSpark Academy, LightBot, Kodable, Codingzen etc. One can truly make use of all these resources to find the best one for their kids to be taught from. It becomes easier for kids to learn when they are playing than following a typical trend.

Parents should never overlook the possibility of Online Courses/Academies to cater to the needs of their children. There are a variety of options available at one click of your finger like Codemonkey, Tynker, Codingzen, Scratch etc. They all have well trained teachers with an experience to deal with kids and teach them coding at their (kids) particular pace and in a reative and innovative way. This acts as a benefit in building student-teacher relationship. Do opt for the ones who are reliable, reputable and experienced in their field. Go for a gamified version of learning as it will engage your kid to learn something new in a fun manner.

Those online sources that would spark the light of coding in the kids’ brains are the ones that ever parent should opt for.


In the end, to make kids get involved in coding, it should be full of fun. Children learn early when they themselves are involved into it and are having fun while doing the tasks. This helps them to analyze deeply and crave for more knowledge rather than running away from it. So, with the wide range of online academies available one can definitely find the best one for their kid. Just make sure that the process is fun to be involved in.


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