How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


As we all know, the ongoing Pandemic has confined us within the walls of our homes and that has pushed our kids to go for online learning as it wasn’t a choice but the only available option. The parents are concerned about the resultant impact of this switch on their children’s education. Remote learning can have its pitfalls but if used in an appropriate way all the pitfalls can be avoided. It has helped in reducing the COVID-19 transmission rates and that’s why the Government took up this measure of closing schools. However, this is not the only benefit so, let’s look out for some more.THINGS TO REMEMBER WHILE EDUCATING YOUR KIDS ONLINE


Time is continuously passing and is a precious commodity, online classes provide you with some flexibility in it as compared to the scheduled pattern of schooling which is a real blessing. One can adjust the time for studying around work, mood swings, tiredness, emotional break-downs etc. And it allows greater efficiency and productivity among teenagers. Online learning also cuts out the time spent on travelling to school, which is a valuable time and can be used in directing towards other extra-curricular activities.


Online learning can be adjusted with ease according to the individual’s needs and requirements. Online classes can be repeated or skipped according to our child’s learning ability and there is no room for any embarrassment due to their slow pace. Students can select on their own the subjects which they feel are harder than the others and can adjust the quantity of classes/lessons required according to their ability. This saves time which can be used in learning new things rather than just wasting it on repeating what has already been studied.


Choosing an appropriate environment for your kids to learn is an important factor to consider. As students are at their home, they have the flexibility to change places for learning which provides freedom to both parents and students, provided that they can learn at multiple places and can do multi-tasking.

There are 2 types of students, Firstly, there are the ones who can concentrate and learn in a safe surrounding like home and Secondly, the ones who find it difficult to concentrate at home where there are fewer disruptions or negative influences on their behaviour from unruly classmates. In the case of younger kids’ distractions from pets, siblings can be disastrous for their level of concentration.


The lifestyle change will impact the parents in some or the other way financially which is a major concern for many families. Homeschooling can reduce the cost of uniforms, accommodation, resources and travel but many apps for online learning doesn’t come free of cost. So, the expense of the internet connection, upgrading of the multiple devices alone can cover the balance of finances unfavourably.


Many parents try to avoid making their kids sit in front of the screens for a longer time and on the contrary online learning is all about kids sitting in front of their computers or mobile phones. The longer hours spent in front of the screens, lengthy exposure to the blue light can be harmful to kids’ eyesight and sitting at one place for such a long duration can even lead to obesity. Remote learning can even affect kids’ mental health as increased isolated learning can lead to depression, addiction to social media and a detachment from reality. These are some worrying prospects that can be avoided by keeping a balance between the activities done indoors and outdoors. Some students might consider this online learning a great advantage especially the disabled children, as they can take necessary breaks in between according to the needs that they have for their physical comfort and access. Some students with visual disabilities might face problems as learning alone without the aid of a teacher can be an obstacle for them.


The quality of education of their kids is one of the prioritized elements for all parents. Online classes are innovative and they use high-quality technology to provide interactive and interesting methods of learning. Solo learning can improve focus; it helps in memorizing information and applying that in a way that makes sense. There are many positive points for it but concerns over the credibility and fairness of the examination process make it difficult to fully trust it. Although there are automated grades still there is a room for doubt in every parent’s mind.

Motivation levels are the key element and parents are trying to get the younger kids and teenagers into paying attention and organizing themselves. It is a good skill to learn something new but without any physical supervision of a parent or a teacher, it becomes difficult to instil discipline in life.


An increased parental involvement depending upon the family situation has both positive and negative impacts. Some parents find this as an opportunity to spend time with their children and contribute towards their child’s growth. Parents can monitor their kids, to ensure that they are studying and not skipping classes or homework. As some parents have no time for their kids due to their workload like key workers, single mothers etc. have only the option of sending them to school to ensure that their kid is getting appropriate care and input for his/her education by qualified professionals. It is advised that, if a parent does not have enough time to help his/her kid with remote learning, then e-learning is not a workable source. It would become a stressful deal for both the parents and the kid which will impact their relationship. It would also reduce the likelihood of effective learning taking place.


E-learning turns out to be good practice for learning and searching while the kids are young, which can develop into an important skill soon, where technological advancements are made rapidly. With the increasing advancement in every sphere, it means that relying on old-fashioned sources like textbooks and notebooks will become outdated and we would be required to check its credibility online. This would gradually become an easy way to obtain the latest information on any topic. Then what is the use of memorizing “out of date” information?

There is an importance of it too as not everything can be studied online. Children might have theoretically more time to play if they organize their work and complete it quickly and efficiently, so some subjects and skillsets cannot be replaced that easily. Practical understanding that the kids receive through their hands-on experience on subjects like physics and chemistry or sports are difficult to demonstrate through online classes and no kind of kinesthetic learning can be done which involves your senses. All the parents should remember that playing is also an opportunity to learn. No matter how many online sites we introduce to our kids at the end of the day we want them to be good humans with a kind heart. The social interaction at school teaches kids to communicate confidently and effectively and to work in teams, which is an essential attribute required for any job placement.


In the end, we would conclude that remote learning is not possible without access to the internet and technological advances. It has its pros and cons but for those who are living in an impoverished place, it becomes a factor of inequality. So, one who has the required resources should use it carefully and to the maximum limit to tailor their kids’ education. You should always feel lucky to have all these facilities where someone is still praying for it.


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