How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


We human beings are designed in a manner to face threats in life. From the stage of Early man when they used to face dangerous animals there was a sudden release of adrenalin to the present stage although we don’t face same problems but the result is quite similar.TIPS TO MINIMIZE KIDS’ STRESS WHILE STUDYING AT HOME

A certain amount of stress is healthy as it pushes one forward to do the task/work on time. But high levels of stress at this tender age will affect their body and brain and so they should be taught how to deal with stress.


According to a recent article by Cambridge International Organization about students’ mental health and Covid which states that school and college students faced and is facing a lot of stress during the pandemic.

Every parent should plan a schedule which includes Studying, Eating and Playing as they are vital under such circumstances. At school, kids had a planned day but while staying at home it gets skipped which affects their mental health. The brain likes to work in an order and if everything goes on systematically, brain is calmer.

Parents should give kids a chance to put in their ideas while preparing a schedule. The time allotted for studying should be made in small chunks during each hour with a total summation of 40 minutes and a break of 20 minutes. This timetable will provide them enough time to play and rest. Parents can even plan an hour for their kid to learn a new skill.

You should provide your kid enough time to work on assignments. If he/she fails to work on something then prefer outsourcing rather than pressurizing them to complete it, as it will lead to poor results and no fruitful knowledge. There are a number of online sites that provide with the facility to write essays on the kid’s behalf like EduBirdie, they have a team of essay writers, who are subject experts and will provide you with high quality work.


Parents have a common tendency of giving out advice to their kids as they don’t want their kids to stumble and fall anywhere but lending an ear to what your kid has to say about certain things will make a conversation productive .Open conversations and acknowledging what their kids have to say goes a long way of reducing stress in kids.

Stress can be reflected in the form of excessive arguing, withdrawal or defiance if any such change is shown by them, parents in return should show support and understanding towards them. They should engage kids in some activity that would involve them and push them to do their best and not to be perfect, initially.


Kids are too young to understand the early signs of stress and the process to manage it. If their stomach hurts too much or they have frequent headaches, they might be suffering from stress, so teach your kids to attend to the emergency calls that their bodies make.

The best way to teach them is through daily life activities like for example take your kid for a ride and halt for a few minutes and rev the engine. Just like too much rev is not good for the engine just like that too much stress is also not good for oneself and will impact his/her health.

A proper “Breathe in Breathe out” technique should be taught by the parents to their kids. How they need to inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Kids can even count during the process; this method will help them to reduce stress and anxiety.


A good mental health is indeed the need of the hour because we often neglect our mental health which results in self-doubt and self-harm. Having a proper routine of eating, sleeping and exercise will build a good mental health. Parents can teach their kids this by following it by themselves. To develop a good sleeping routine for their kids, parents can set their bed time and the set time to switch off all electronics.

Kids get to spend time with their friends at school but at home they usually get isolated as they are majorly studying at home nowadays. This can result in pushing them towards depression and alienation.

Kids can meet their friends online through video calls and online games which will help them to interact as the situation doesn’t allow them to meet in person and this will prevent them from going into the dark dungeon of depression.


Stress like smile is contagious it spreads easily and stays for a longer period. Your kids keenly observe your each and every activity and they try to even grasp that so, seeing you in stress your children pick that up quickly and are stressed too. So, you all need to manage and handle your stress efficiently which teaches your kids to be calm and composed in difficult circumstances.

Parents should involve their kids in their household works as it releases oxytocin which helps to create the emotions of love, understanding, care and affection. This “booster shot” helps them to build a strong resilience towards future stress.

Tightening familial bonds by going for a ride together, having meals together, playing together, spending time together will help them to fight stress and anxiety.


Parents can prepare a schedule, teach their kids about the early symptoms, and help them recognize the signals of the body and how to manage stress in their lives. By following healthy practices and by spending quality time together parents can reduce the chances of stress in their kids.


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