How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Every parent wants their kid to excel in their academic front, for that they need to sit with their kid and help him/her while they are doing their homework. As teaching majorly is done at school but the homework part comes under the responsibility of parents. This can be an overwhelming duty for the new parents but gradually they get adapted to it.


Parents should never build the habit of doing their kid’s homework instead they should lend a helping hand.

There are various online sites that write essays for college students on their demand and they work as online working assistants for the students. But the kids usually come running towards their parents with glittery eyes for help in their homework.

All the parents should assist their kids in such a way that through the homework they remember what was taught in the class which will build their memory power. You all need to be patient with the kids as they might take more time to learn but never rush into completing the assignments.

Let’s look upon certain tips :


Parents while helping their kids should not be in a hurry to complete their kid’s work. As it is a process that takes time as the kid should also remember what his/her teacher had taught in the class.

You should even pay focus to the academic capabilities of your kid where they are lacking, where they need extra attention etc. For Example if your kid is facing problem in grammar take time out to make them understand what each question is asking for.

It doesn’t matter how many hours your kid took to solve a particular question always celebrate when it comes out to be the right one. Resist yourself from spoon feeding, it will only make your kid lazy and he/she will never put an effort to understanding a new concept.

Make use of educational technologies to simplify the questions so that the kid understands in a better way. If a kid understands a concept once, then there is never going back.


Parents after coming back from their jobs or coming after from their household chores looks upon their kid’s homework as another job. It should not be reflected as another job but a time to enjoy and learn with their kid.

Parents should not take their kid’s homework as a task to be completed otherwise they will work under pressure to please you. One should always go with an open mind to learn together this will keep your kid relaxed to figure out the answers of the various questions.

Kids often imitate their elders and they even do it while doing their homework, if you feel sleepy and tired your kid will be disinterested too; if you are excited then your kid will be excited too. Always sit with a positive mind with your kid before you start working together.


Kids have shorter concentration span than adults. It is estimated that a 4 year old kid can concentrate for around 8–12 minutes to the maximum!

Taking breaks while doing the homework together would give them the time to relax and rejuvenate themselves, so BREAKS are a MUST.

A common action that kids usually do to show their distraction is by minutely observing the objects of the surrounding. This is a signal for the parents to know that they should take a break or they should start the topic on a fresh day.

Taking time out from your busy schedule and taking your kid for a walk will freshen up his/her mind and will provide an open state to find new answers.


How parents look upon their kid’s homework is the exact way their kid is going to look at it. So, it is very important to teach them from a young age that there is nothing they cannot do; motivating them at every step will give them the confidence to face new challenges in life. Make the homework time a special and fun one for the kids to enjoy and learn effectively. Parents can even introduce their kids to online educational resources which will widen their knowledge beyond the limited classrooms.

You should not only help your kid for his/her homework but you should talk to them like a friend, ask them about their mental health; about their problems, if there are any; ask them about the subjects they face difficulty in and find solutions for them.


As we discussed that, kids have a shorter concentration span, distractions as minute as possible can be a reason for loosing focus. So, it is important to keep your kid out of all such distractions. By even keeping your TV switched on can be a reason for their distraction so, one should make sure that all the distractions are sorted and even parents can keep their phones on silent for quite some time.

The best way is to decide a fixed time when every member of the family knows that it’s time for homework and they will try to minimize the distractions in the surrounding. This will also put you and your kid in routine for doing the homework and before starting it just have a small evening snack to keep the kid excited to study.


Motivation is the key to success as kids feel that they can do everything that falls on their path. Monitoring your kid will put pressure on him/ her rather encourage them to do better. This can be done by being available for your kid when he/she is in need; by just revising with them what they have just studied would help them to find the right answer. One should not just wave away their doubts by telling them the right answer.

Don’t scold or demotivate your kid for taking long hours to find the right answer instead show them your never ending support and motivation. This will definitely help them to do better in studies and in life.


Along with the motivation, do praise your kid in every right answer so that it gives him/her the push to work much harder to achieve success. This praise will encourage them to think beyond the limited box and go beyond the horizon to search for knowledge.

You can even stick pictures on the refrigerator or on the almirah to remind them of their victories.


In a famous poem by Emily Dickinson Success is counted Sweetest” she mentions that someone who has tasted failure truly knows the real taste of success. Similarly allow your kid to make mistakes as these mistakes will help them to learn and grasp things in a different manner. This will teach your kid the ability of responsibility from a young age.

Avoid taking too much control of your kid’s mistakes as it will shrink his/her ability to think for themselves. Let there be a safe surrounding for them to ask and learn with no power struggles.


It is not that difficult to help your child while doing the homework. It only requires dedication to work together and patience to deal with the young minds. Don’t spoon feed them as it will obstruct their thinking ability. Work Together, Grow Together.


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