How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


  1. Codingzen is an amazing platform for students to learn coding as they have highly qualified teachers who focus on concept building more than just teaching.

2. My son is a part of Codingzen and I think I made the right decision about this coding platform. This place has pushed my son from just being confined to the walls of our house to exploring everything around.

3. Codingzen has really shaped my daughter’s logical reasoning skills as she now finds logic in every problem and then understands it. Coding has helped her to find multiple solutions to one problem.

4. The best part about Codingzen is that they have varied courses according to the age of your child. In this way I could get the right course for my kid.

5. Codingzen has well-trained teachers who work towards making teaching fun and interesting and that makes my kid to eagerly sit for coding class.

6. At first my son had no interest in coding and was deeply engrossed in studies but with the advancing world an additional skill is necessary. So, I opted for Codingzen and now I could see how he equally divides his attention on coding and on studies.

7. Interactive classes, fun and friendly environment, well-trained teachers and motivating faculty all of these qualities at one place, Codingzen.

8. Codingzen shapes the young minds to nurture and flourish towards a better future. They have motivating teachers who push the kids towards achieving more in life.

9. The classes are so interactive that my shy kid has also started to speak up and give answers to the questions being asked in the class. Teachers are ever ready to help and push the kids forward.

10. At Codingzen my daughter did not only learn coding but she also understood logical reasoning. Through this platform she could even discover her creative side.

11. Codingzen shapes these young and fragile minds towards innovation and technology. They also push them to think beyond their confined boxes.

12. My kid learnt coding at Codingzen in a systematic way, clearing all the concepts and moving forward. This developed logical thinking and discipline in my kid.

12. I must say that at Codingzen, they have prepared the syllabus in a such a way that every kid can try their hands upon. Various courses are allotted to various age groups, which becomes convenient for parents, like us to focus on only 1 platform.

13. Through interactive classes my kid learnt coding and innovation side by side. She could now solve the daily problems of life in a an easy and systematic way.

14. The teachers at Codingzen are well trained and qualified who make sure that every kid is able to understand or not. They even motivate them to practice and achieve a successful result.

14. My daughter was an average student at school and I wanted to do something for her which could act as an additional skill. Then my friend recommended Codingzen and I approached them. My daughter is attending the classes there and with the knowledge of coding she is even doing better in her school studies.

15. As ever parent knows that having technological knowledge is always a plus point because the future of tomorrow is in technology. So, with the same thought I encouraged my son to adopt for coding and after a few classes itself I could see the change in him. He has become interactive, he comes up with multiple solutions, he understands the problem etc. Thank you Codingzen.

16. The teachers at Codingzen are interactive and they even motivate students to do better.

17. My son was in class 5 and I had started planning to send him to for some additional skill development but one of my colleague recommended me Codingzen and that he can start his coding classes straight from his class 5. I had no second thought and opted to it and I am glad I did.

18. At Codingzen kids learn in a fun, joyous and interactive way. With the well-trained teachers all the concepts are being cleared in the class itself.

19. At Codingzen, coding is not another subject for my kid but a fun activity to relax and create new things with his peers.

20. I would highly recommend Codingzen to every parent who is planning to send their kid for coding. With interactive classes and best faculty why to go anywhere else


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