How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Parents usually don’t plan for which computer to buy for their kids like they do it for their studies, life insurance, sports etc. But with the growing trend of technology kids have started to use computers, laptops, macbooks etc. at an early age which gives birth to a common question, that is…

With a wide range of options available, which one should we choose?”


Their brain starts to rush in various directions of all the possibilities available, like whether a desktop will be a good option to give their kid the right posture or will a laptop be a good one with its portable factor? How to keep an eye on their kids, as in what are they surfing on the internet? Whether the kids are required to take it to the school? Which among the multiple options has a good memory space? The power required by the computer? For how many years will it work smoothly? The list of questions seems endless as parents always want to give their kids THE BEST!

This article will brief you about which one to buy at which stage of your kids’ age. Let’s make your decision easier.


Starting off with a basic question of whether to buy a desktop or a laptop? Both of them have their own individual benefits but laptops act way more better in the long term as they are portable and doesn’t restrict the kids from achieving their dreams.

Parents want all the functions and facilities of a desktop in a portable laptop they want to combine the best of both the worlds and gift it to their kid.

Having a desk or a workstation is still a good option as your kid will know that he/ she is supposed to study and later they can take their laptop to watch movies or to play games.

Chromebook might appear cheaper but it is not recommendable because it needs internet for everything like to install your own applications, your educational software etc.

Parents can plan to buy a laptop of a decent cost and with the availability of major functions and good power durability. This should be a wise decision otherwise it will land them into buying another laptop the same year.


During earlier times, everyone preferred Windows because they were cost friendly and quite popular among all age groups but with the increasing popularity of Apple and its products Mac OS has gained demand in the market.

So, one should choose Windows or Mac OS?

Before diving into that question one should avoid buying Chromebooks and ChromeOS as well as other android powered operating systems as they are not suitable for kids. So, provide them with an option through which they can

  • Watch videos for learning and for relaxing
  • To develop new skill
  • Learn how to Code
  • Learn a new Language

and explore all the options available to them in this digital world.

Windows and Mac both are great at working so, now the decision depends on you which one to buy. If you want a concrete advice, one should go for Windows as it works on any device pretty well. Whereas a Mac OS works only on Macbooks and Mac Hardware which in totally turns out to be quite costly. A variety of softwares are available on Windows which can be easily downloaded and installed. So, one should go for Windows if you don’t have a personal favorite.


You might have heard about the “rugged laptops”, these are the one which are designed in such a way that they are used in harsh weather conditions so buying one of those for your ordinary daily life or for your kid to protect it from being spoiled, is a good idea. But they are far more expensive than traditional laptops and they are designed for a specific function which limits their functionalities.

An appropriate idea would be to buy a decent laptop along with a solid laptop cover, screen guard, a laptop stand, a connectable USB keyboard and mouse. This whole set up makes the task to be done in an easy way and one can disconnect all the devices when to make it portable.


Touchscreen is the new mouse of the period and we all are familiar with it. It is not only limited to smartphones but it is being introduced in modern computer hardwares too.

In all our smartphones, ipads, tablets we can see that how easily kids can use touchscreen to navigate their respective needs as it is made in a way to make things easy and feasible for everyone. So, buying a laptop which is a touchscreen turns out to be a trouble-free and fun activity to be upon. Teaching kids about the functioning of a keyboard and a mouse is necessary but with touchscreen every experience on it becomes interactive.


There are quite a good percentage of chances that the first laptop that you will buy for your kid will get damaged early. Despite the strict rules and regulations there are chances that your kid destroying the computer by just dropping something on it. That is kind of inevitable. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be buying a well-equipped laptop for your kid just think twice when you are investing a huge amount at the early stage.

It is advised that one should invest in a laptop that doesn’t go beyond the budget that is set and parents should buy a laptop which is a bit cheaper but shouldn’t compromise with the facilities that they require. If used laptops are one of your options then it is a good idea as you already know that the initial one is going to get damaged early.

Some modern computers come with a warranty card or an insurance card through which the laptop can get repaired or replaced according to the requirement. For example Mac.


Before talking about the specifications lets discuss the purpose of the laptop whether it is for your kid to watch movies? Is it for running applications and learning how to code? Is it about preparing a document? The answer differs from person to person so the specifications required also differ.

It is kind of a chain, if you are going to do more on your laptop, you will require more resources and for that you require more specifications.

Here are some minimum points that you will require:

  • An Intel processor with an increasing number of cores which depends upon the more work you will be doing.
  • 4GB and 8GB RAM but 8GB RAM is better than the former one.
  • 500GB Hard Drive which is enough to store a multiple files and one can install softwares too.
  • Wired or Wireless both types of internet connections are fine.
  • Graphics Card is required for running video games and intense programs.


It eventually depends upon your budget and the purpose for what you are buying a computer for your kid. Think twice and be wise.


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