How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect

Web Automation with Python

Using Selenium


Website automation is a way to automate common web actions — like filling out forms, clicking on buttons, downloading files and handing them over to helpful software bots. Unfortunately, while the Internet makes doing business faster and easier in countless ways, these actions can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

You might be used to this trend now, but we’ll use a Python module to achieve this, Selenium.


For Windows:

`pip install selenium`

For Linux and Mac:

`pip3 install selenium`

Selenium requires a driver to interface with the chosen browser, which will be Chrome for us.

First, go to the About section of Chrome and update it to the latest version.

Keep the version in mind.

For me, the version is 103.something.something, so I will go to the site below and download the chromedriver for the same version.

So I used the second link and downloaded the driver. Now keep in mind, we won’t run the driver, we will use Python.



And creating a driver object

from selenium import webdriver

# this import is optional in case you want to tweak the driver itself

from import Options

opt = Options()

opt.add_argument(“ — start-maximized”)

# or if you don’t even want to see the browser window

opt.add_argument(‘ — headless’)

# incase you want to mute the driver

opt.add_argument(“ — mute-audio”)

opt.add_argument(“ — disable-extensions”)

# put the downloaded driver in the same file

driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=opt,



The first thing you’ll want to do with WebDriver is navigate to a link. The usual way to do this is by calling get method:

# to open a website, just use the get function


WebDriver will wait until the page has fully loaded (that is, the onload event has fired) before returning control to your test or script. But, you still need to ensure such pages are fully loaded before you try to access an element.

Locating Elements

Now, let’s say we want to find the search input inside the page’s html to make a query.

from import By

element = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘input[aria-label=”Search”]’)

# we can use even other criterias, like

find_element(By.ID, “id”)

find_element(By.NAME, “name”)

find_element(By.XPATH, “xpath”)

find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, “link text”)

find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, “partial link text”)

find_element(By.TAG_NAME, “tag name”)

find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, “class name”)

find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, “css selector”)

For that, we can use many methods.


Now, after we have the elements, we want to fill some text into them; for that, we need to use the send_keys function, but if we want to send in some special keys, e.g. Alt, Ctrl, Enter, F1 etc., we need to use the Keys class.

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys




Now, let’s say after doing that, you want to click on the first link, so you find that element, but, what if it hasn’t yet loaded, the result will be an error of no element like that found. So, we search the page after the element has been loaded to prevent this.

To achieve that, we can either use the time.sleep() function, but that will waste time if the element loads early.

import time


import time


So the final solution is to use selenium’s wait function, which waits just the exact amount.

from import WebDriverWait

from import expected_conditions

# giving a timeout

match = WebDriverWait(driver,30).until(

# will search till the element is located


# the condition to search the 1st link of each search

(By.CSS_SELECTOR, “div[lang=’en’]”)



# just printing out the text attribute in the match



Final Touches to make this a bit more usable

# finding the link

link_tag = match.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, “a”)

link = link_tag.get_attribute(“href”)

# and redirecting to it



If you want to click on the elements instead of sending in keys, it’s pretty simple.

# Assume the button has the ID “submit” :)


# or if the element is a for you could just


If you want to move between windows:


Selenium WebDriver has built-in support for handling popup dialog boxes. After you’ve triggered an action that would open a popup, you can access the alert with the following:

alert = driver.switch_to.alert

To move backwards and forwards in your browser’s history:



You may be interested in understanding how to use cookies. First of all, you need to be on the domain that the cookie will be valid for:


# Now set the cookie. This one’s valid for the entire domain

cookie = {‘name’ : ‘foo’, ‘value’ : ‘bar’}


# And now output all the available cookies for the current URL



You can do anything you do on the Internet using Selenium.You can do so much using all the various supported browsers and simple functions,and anything can be automated (almost, leaving out the sites protected by captcha), and made much faster; you can even run multiple in parallel and on different operating systems.

But remember that the toughest part is finding the elements in html that you want to interact with and generalizing it, so it works with different parameters.



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