How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Kids nowadays have an innovative and creative brain through which they produce products which lessens the burden of adults. Aadithiyan a young boy from India, who developed an app named Ashirwad Browser at the age of 9 similar to chrome but with lesser functionalities now at 13 owns a company of his own in Dubai.


Aadithiyan being 9 years old! was a reason for him to outstand others. With a critical observation we can say that the younger generation is leaning towards coding. It is majorly because of the wide implication of software and web development occurring every day. With the knowledge of coding one can develop a new skill and pull off a lucrative job in the particular field and the ones who plan for a different career option can also learn coding to enhance their understanding in solving day to day life problems.

Schools have even opted for coding classes as coding has become a growing demand and it has its own advantages too. This article will throw some light upon the importance of coding for kids.


Coding consists of a set of instructions given to the computer to perform a specific function. Coding teaches to break down bigger problems into smaller parts and through them coders form instructions. During this process of analyzing minutely kids develop analytical skills which help them not only in coding but also in other fields that they choose.

If coding is introduced at a young age it will polish their analytical thinking which will lead them into making decisions logically and with reason. These abilities will further be useful to them in mathematics, spellings and other subjects. Later in life they can even apply their analytical thinking into physics, geometry, stats, data theory etc.


Coding provides you with multiple options to program you can create your own algorithm and come up with something new. Coding provides them a platform to unleash their inner creativity and they are ready to experiment as there is no such one right solution. It gives them a chance to look beyond their cocoon and find various solutions for a particular problem. As young minds are full of vigor and vitality they should not be confined within the boundaries rather they should be given enough chance to find their area of interest.

With the typical pattern of the curriculum of the school, kids don’t get any chance for their ideas to mature and flourish and by the time they reach middle school their destiny has been planned by the societal and cultural pressure. One should never pressurize their kid into following a particular path, let that beautiful brain decide his/her path.


With the advancement of technology in every sector, we cannot simply deny the fact that computational skills and technological knowledge has become an important element in today’s time. Teaching about various computer languages at an early age helps your kid to be familiar with computer related programs which is certainly important in today’s age.

Coding, turns out to be one of the best options to begin with!

With a wide range of online resources your kid can develop a life skill which will definitely help them in future. There are many Coding Academies that provide with the best faculty and education.


Coding provides a wide range of career options to your kid. If your kid has an interest in coding then you should willingly encourage them to move forward as they have already paved a way towards their future career and that too an entrenched one. Coding is gaining an increasing popularity and with due time it will be a must-have skill and its importance will be equated to the importance of being able to read.

Every job requires a sound knowledge of computers to manage their online platforms as well as their clerical work because technology is expanding rapidly. So, having the knowledge about coding or sound computational skills will make stand above the ones who don’t.


Coding can be a little tough for kids who are still struggling with mathematical concepts but with regular efforts coding can turn into a fun activity. It teaches them how to take care of their problems and they understand that making mistakes is the first step towards learning. Gradually with constant inputs they learn how not to let their program crash.

The process of trying and not giving up teaches them patience and the belief that hard work pays off. This helps them to code their programs smoothly and efficiently. Success in every subject pays off with a different kind of code but the key to success is hard work and dedication.


There is an ultimate level of bliss when a code that you have written by yourself works successfully. Happiness reaching on the 9th cloud would be an understatement as the level of satisfaction cannot be really described in words. This kind of boost will push your kid towards exploring more. Experimenting and using different functions and developing your own product could give you a great mental satisfaction.

Coding provides a kid to experiment, explore and discover. This makes them more confident in their capabilities and talents which further push them to try work on coding with multiple functions. Code working successfully for the 1st time is a daydream because it might require minor changes so, coding teaches an important lesson that failures are a part of life and we should accept them and work on them.


There is no doubt in believing that we will be much more technologically advanced in future in every aspect as even the toys in today’s time have sensors and microchips in them. It will eventually be an important asset for your kids as coding will help them to pick concepts in a better way as the technological scenario will be different during their time.


Learning how to code from an early stage will be beneficial for a kid who has an interest in it and plans to go in the field in future but the ones with a different aim can learn coding or computational skills as it will truly help them in future.


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