How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Kids are often locked up inside due to various reasons like rainy days, the ongoing spread of coronavirus etc. and find it difficult to indulge in games or some other productive activities. The external factors like snowfall, rainfall, school shutdown etc. tend to restrict the kids from going outside and play but all these elements should not be a barrier in learning so, you can keep your kid indoors indulged in some home learning activities.


Outdoor activities help in establishing good physical and mental health. It also leads to the brain and body development of a kid from a tender age itself. It helps in strengthening their imaginations and they learn to socialize with others. They interact and gain knowledge about nature and other things. So, playing outside plays a vital role in a kid’s life and when they can’t go out, it becomes a problem for kids and their parents.

It becomes a tiresome activity for the parents to engage kids at home and they often end up playing video games on various gadgets which is not a healthy life practice. So, let’s discuss 5 activities that be done at home.

1. Do It Yourself (DIY)

DIY activities are quite engaging and interesting for kids of different age groups. One can make a DIY at home according to his/her interests and age. Parents should make this DIY with their kids as spending time together would strengthen the bonds and kids will have moral support. You can also use this DIY at your home to make your kids feel appreciated.

There are plenty of tutorials available on Youtube and Google with a brief description on what all things you can make like toys, plant pots, painting pots etc. You can even create your unique creation with all the crayons, paints, coloured papers available to excite your kid.

Initially, you should start with easy ones like using paper cups for making puppets, using leftover boxes for making storage boxes etc. This will be a time for you to interact with your kid and teach them about colours, aesthetics, designs and crafts. This will help in sharpening their creative skills which will act as a benefit once they are grown up.


You can also keep your kids engaged while keeping them indoors through board games. Board games can be enjoyed by the whole family without any actual fight. Board games have their benefits too, it helps to identify colours, spaces and helps in developing analytical skills. It also helps in the sharpening of the mind which is important for brain development.

Some of the games also help in developing vocabulary, spelling and establish English learning altogether while having fun. Board games also help in developing concentration levels and focusing abilities. It increases the attention span of the kids too.


The kids cannot go outside to have fun but you can surely bring the outdoors indoors to have a bit of relaxation and fun. You can set up a small tent for your kids to camp indoors. You can even make a cave out of pillows, blankets, rugs and fairy lights for them to have a camping space indoors adding a few leaves from your garden would enhance the fun of the surrounding. You can even prepare some cookies along with your kids and have a small party and a movie night together.

You can experiment with it in different ways and come up with the best one for your kid. You can make these camps cosy for the kids to read books or simply play.


Science experiments always fascinate and engage children at home. These experiments are interesting and are also proper for their early age. Age is not a factor for learning or experimenting with new stuff around you.

These experiments aren’t hard and require only the materials that are around us. Try out the ones which are fascinating for the kids, explain them the process so that they remember and comprehend what’s happening.

You can make a volcano, lava lamps, homemade dough, homemade slime etc. These are quite simple activities that can be done at home. You can also ask your kids to do the activity on their own so that they learn and grasp things at ease.


If you seem to notice that your kid has an interest in reading then you can try reading out with them ALOUD!

You can take turns while reading. There are various benefits of reading out aloud like :

  • It enhances the interest in reading
  • It increases the attention span of the kids.
  • It helps in language development.
  • It strengthens imagination.
  • Improves Comprehensive skills.
  • Nourishes the bond with your kid.


These were a few activities that could engage your kid at home at some productive and playful activities. As the days go by, we can see that kids are bending deep into the screens which make them lazy and less productive. Excessive use of anything is harmful to anyone so the kids should be kept at a distance from the screens as it will impact their lives for the years to come.


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