How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


Are you searching for modern-day related computer and technology-related hobbies for your children? Well, then this article is for you!



In this technological era, kids have multiple options for their hobbies. Kids can master any art from the comfort of their homes that were not available before. They can develop critical thinking, analytical approach, erudition, attentiveness etc. with just one click on their computers. Our fingers will fall short of counting the opportunities that are available to kids these days. Kids these days are engrossed in the content provided by social media but they never think about creating it by themselves for examples Blogs. Princeton Report about “The Impact of Home Computer Use on Children’s Activities” describes the high contribution of technology to kids’ development. You would never know what technology holds for your kid’s growth.


Web Designing is one of the most common and quite appreciated activities. Some believe it’s not for kids but that is a myth!

There are many website builders and your kid can be one too. There are plenty of sites that teach them in an easy and friendly way. He/She can be a website builder than a Lego Builder. A mere hobby can grow into a full-time career too if they wish for. Web Designing is like learning English for the future. Every entrepreneur needs a website to work from and your kid can design that for that person. This will unleash their hidden creativity.


Coding is a growing hobby among kids and there are many reasons why kids should learn coding. It helps in logical thinking, real-world problem solving and building algorithms.

This will teach your kid to solve difficult puzzles of life and to think outside the box. There are plenty of sites to learn from for the kids. Kids need not start with the complex programming languages that the engineers at Google use.

Kids need to learn programming in a simplified way with the gamification format through tutorials. The programming skill is one of the most demanded skills across the globe. Programming has no disadvantages as either it can be taken as a career option or as a skill for your kid’s personality development. Coding is not only about building websites it’s about learning new things, programming computer games, modulating systems, studying virtual reality, machine learning etc. are some of the other areas of learning through coding.


Blogging is one of the most creative hobbies, one could ever take up for. All the children and teens of today’s generation have much larger social networks than many adults have today. From sharing information to sharing your opinions, everything is blogging. If your kid is interested in writing and playing with his words then, he/she can start writing on a particular theme and can even come up with his/her own Youtube channel. Kids can even find inspiration from various writers online and could even find tons of ideas for writing. Blogging helps in giving voice to like-minded people’s thoughts and passions. Blog Writing can be a source of profit too.


We have 2 different opinions about computer games. Some believe they are a waste of time while others believe that, it helps in critical thinking, developing tactics, strategy and planning. There are some advantages of video games too as listed by Forbes that it helps in competing with multiple players from around the world. Through this, your kid can even learn a foreign language while communicating with the players. With the growing demand for games, the gaming industry is flourishing which can be seen in the storyline and graphics. Computer games are a great hobby for all those who have a computer and a stable internet. It does not depend upon your physical or mental abilities as you can find a game according to your liking. If you are finding with some educational purpose work, you can find several instructive and cognitive game stories.


Earlier making 3D objects with our own hands was considered a great achievement but today we can create them on our computers, all thanks to technology. Initially, don’t push your kid towards the complex areas of mathematical measurements but let them start with simple and fun exercises. 3D Modelling helps in developing logical and critical thinking, creativity and imagination. It provides an amazing opportunity to learn and make 3D objects. As the 3D print industry is emerging at a great speed, investing in developing 3D Modelling as a hobby would act as a benefit for your kid.


Cartoon Network” had always been a popular tv channel among kids. Do you know why? Because it has animations, colourful figures, vivid emotions of characters and this attracts your kid to spend hours in front of the tv. Why don’t you encourage your kids to create these by themselves? Drawing and ideas are the 2 main elements required in this. Ask your kids to create stories around cartoon characters and add their effects on them.


Kids of today’s generation have plenty of opportunities to do what they like and to also discover their hidden talents. You can try plenty of things that are served to you on the platter and then select your favourite one. Many parents complain about their kids being stuck with the phones the entire day and they want something else as a hobby that would distract them. Sports are a good option but one should not neglect the benefits computer activities have to offer. Thinking development, Mindfulness, analytical and spatial thinking are certain outcomes of the hobbies related to technology.


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