
How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect

Why Developing Analytical Skills For Kids Is The Need of The Hour

  A 2019 study by Deloitte & Lions revealed that companies focus on analytical skills more than creative skills when hiring for posts like Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Growth Officer According to American Organisation Behaviour theorist Edward Glaser, analytical skills can be defined as a triumvirate of three things: (1) development of an attitude that is predisposed to approaching problems and subjects in a thoughtful way as they come within the range of an individual’s experiences, (2) a deep understanding of the methods of reasoning and logical investigation, (3) knowing how and when to apply the above methods. Let’s take a real-world example, let’s consider an Equity Research Analyst looking for an ideal equity investment for a company that is in line with the company’s philosophy. He/she will have to gather large volumes of financial data available in the market, analyse the data and then come up with a viable low-risk solution. Without analytical skills, innovative busines

5 Benefits of Teaching Robotics to Children

Technology is evolving every day, and to keep up with the changing world, your kids need the knowledge and skills that prepare them for the future. Therefore, you must understand how learning robotics can help children grow academically and learn new skills. Robotics is a part of the new-age technology that has emerged, allowing humans with their day-to-day tasks. Robotics has evolved into a significant development in almost every sphere. But, being a parent, you might have this specific question: Why should kids be taught robotics? What are the benefits of learning robotics for kids? So, before moving ahead with the help of teaching robotics to children, let us understand the general aspects of the two terms-robots, robotics, and their meaning. Table of Contents What do you mean by a robot and robotics? 5 Benefits of Teaching Robotics to Children Encourages creativity and innovation Encourages goal setting Helps develops a critical cognitive mindset for kids Improves kids’ attention t

Why should kids learn to code if they wish to become entrepreneurs?

Exploring your kid’s interests and aspirations from a young age is essential. As a parent, this will help you prepare your kid for their desired career path. If your kid wishes to become an entrepreneur, and says, ‘’ I want to run a business ’’ from a very early age, then coding can help. Read on to know about a few reasons why kids coding if they wish to become entrepreneurs. Table of Contents Entrepreneurs can support their technical team Improves critical thinking skills Boost kids’ creativity Helps boost problem-solving skills Help save costs Teaches kids resilience Improves communication skills Helps learn time management Summing it up.. Entrepreneurs can support their technical team When a kid learns to code, it means that they will obtain a complete understanding of technical terms. Hence, they can easily aid the members of their technical team when they start a business. For example, you will be able to assist the website developers while you create websites. To explain this in

Introductory activities for youngsters before teaching them basic coding for kids

  Does your 6-year-old child have an interest in Science or Mathematics? Do they wonder how people design aesthetic websites or develop interactive games? Is your preadolescent not coding-savvy, but they want to learn? If the answer to these questions is ‘’ Yes ’’, then this blog is for you! It will help you know the introductory activities to engage in before learning the basics of coding for youngsters. Take a look at some of these introductory activities that will prepare your kid to become a coder: Table of Contents Jigsaw Puzzles Story Sequencing Pattern Sequencing Building Blocks Treasure Hunts Jewellery Coding Lining Up/Arranging Toys Pretend Play Jigsaw Puzzles In a jigsaw puzzle, your child should combine many pieces to create a specific image. Hence, kids learn how to put relevant pieces together to achieve a common goal, just like what is required in coding. Story Sequencing When a story is created, multiple events take place, one after the other. Therefore, one of the activ

Why Is Interactive Learning The Future When It Comes To Learning To Code?

  As the world becomes more reliant on technology, it is clear that coding is becoming one of the essential skills that people can learn. However, the traditional method of learning to code — sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecturer — is no longer the most effective way to learn. Instead, online interactive learning is the future of learning to code . In this blog post, we will explore why interactive learning is more effective than the traditional method of learning to code. In addition, we will explore why it is the future when it comes to learning to code. What Is Interactive Learning? Interactive learning is a type of learning that involves the learner being actively involved in the learning process. For example, one can ask questions, participate in discussions, and work on projects to accomplish the goal of interactive learning. Research has shown that interactive learning is more effective than traditional learning methods (Source: Harvard Gazette ). In addition, this

Top Myths About Coding For Kids To Stop Believing

Do you listen to myths surrounding coding regularly? Don’t worry-these are myths for a reason. In this blog, we’re going to talk about the most common myths people hear, and the truth that is present besides these myths. Table of Contents Myth: Coding disturbs kids’ study routine Myth: Coding requires knowledge of science Myth: Coding is a monotonous activity Myth: You need a high IQ to learn coding Myth: Female kids struggle to learn coding Myth: Coding is not necessary because of no-code platforms Myth: Coding disturbs kids’ study routine A kid has to prepare for many examinations during school. In addition, kids need to prepare for multiple assessments, whether it’s mid-term assessments, final-term assessments, or homework. Hence, parents often worry about whether their kids will have adequate time to devote to their school curriculum if they decide to learn coding. Truth: While it’s true that children need to prepare for examinations that are a part of their study in school, coding

An Appropriate Age For A Kid To Start Coding

Modern day parents struggle with the question as to what all skills should they develop in their kid? Should it be teaching them various foreign languages? Will the influence of foreign languages affect their native language? Should they focus on physical skills and development or they should look for cognitive development? These are some of the multiple questions with which parents are burdened and cover a wide space in the media. Coding is a modern day skill and people have different opinions on it. Some parents feel that you should not over stimulate your kid with challenging tasks which are not suitable for their tender age. Some introduce their kids to the basics of coding at a young age itself. Let’s look at what is an appropriate age for kids to learn coding . Table of Contents The sooner, the Better Deep logical Thinking Behind the Scenes Coding = Creativity Conclusion The sooner, the Better It is believed that kids should start learning how to code at an early age. Every kid d