
Showing posts with the label E-LEARNING FOR KIDS

How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect


  E-learning is not in trend these days and people tend to refer to other apps and online games in the market for teaching their children. It is about the usage of diverse interactive and text-based media. Even if you hire a tutor or teach your kids by yourself, online learning is never a barrier. During the last year, Covid-19, E-learning has played a major role in the kids’ lives. Let’s take a look at the advantages of E-learning. BENEFITS: When you study online it provides a benefit for all, kids, teachers and parents. Here are some of them mentioned below: LEARNING AT YOUR SPEED Kids of different age groups require a different amount of time to grasp knowledge and for that education is not an exception. For studying too kids require different time and learning approaches to absorb new information but schools and colleges prepare a specific curriculum for all and do not consider their skills and abilities. Modern virtual classes provide mixed activities which are based on the concep