
How Coding Helps Improve Planning and Organisation Skills of Children?

  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, Computer and Information Systems Managers were the highest-paid coding professionals with a record median salary of $151,150. These Managers are considered veterans, when it comes to the soft skills of planning and organisation. The pandemic is hopefully over and now the kids are back in their classes. Yet, it has been observed around the globe that the long pandemic has devolved the soft skills of these children, especially when it comes to planning and organisation. Their attention span has receded, they show little interest in classroom activities, and most important of all, they are unable to plan out and organise tasks assigned to them in the class. Luckily, here, at Codingzen , we have a one-shot panacea for your adolescents and pre-adolescents. Our programs teach the very-valuable talent of ‘coding’, which top companies in the market are often in the hunt of, irrespective of whether they are in the software development sect

Why Should General Excel Users Broaden Their Skillset With Advanced Excel?

  According to Acuity Training UK, 12% of global Excel users have seen lack of Excel skills cost a company more than £10,000 Microsoft Excel is a phenomenon. From using it for bookkeeping to creating school maths projects, the software has come a long way, slowly creeping into the daily life of the average Joe. Currently, the spreadsheet software has over 450 in-built functions and 17,179,869,184 cells that can be worked upon. The potential of Excel is almost immeasurable since it’s a complex spreadsheet software with arithmetic, database, financial, engineering, logical, statistical, engineering, and text functions. Its ability to be programmed to support a variety of calculations instils it with a lot of possibilities, especially to synthesise insights from disorganised data. The best part about advanced Excel is that it’s a perfect tool for budding entrepreneurs and corporate professionals who want to power their business through data analytics and financial modelling. Advanced Exce

5 Games to Help Your 6-year old Learn Coding

  In this digitised era, most parents consider introducing their kids to coding and programming early to equip them with logical thinking and problem-solving skills. This early introduction to coding is an excellent initiative on the part of parents. They not only introduce complex coding concepts to their children in a feasible manner, but they do it at a time when the kid can grasp the concept faster, improvise on it and foster their knowledge for decades to come. The age of five to seven is essential for a kid, as they are yet to develop critical thinking and analytical skills around this time. Shaping a child’s logical thinking around this time through algorithm-based games can fundamentally transform how they interact with technology and enable them to create it later on instead of blindly consuming digital media and technology. In this article, we have come up with a list of five games that can help your 6-year-old learn coding from their pre-school days and get introduced to ba

The Importance of Evoking Curiosity While Teaching Children Coding

Learning is a never-ending process. One needs to refresh their knowledge and seek to broaden it continuously. Here, curiosity plays a critical role, as one must always be open to new experiences and absorbing knowledge. If you or your child are interested in coding, read on! We’ll check out how curiosity and coding go hand in hand. What is Curiosity? Curiosity refers to the desire of knowing something, like a new idea, concept, or person. When a student is curious, they want to expand upon their current knowledge in their mind. Hence, while teaching children, one should use methods to elicit their curiosity. It is possible to do this through interactive quizzes, skill assessments, coding competitions, and other exciting teaching techniques. How a Spark of Curiosity Helps a Young Coder? A curious young coder is most likely to go a long way and excel in his field, while in the pursuit of increasing his/her knowledge in the field of computers. Let’s take a look at how they are able to do

Top 5 Benefits Coding Competitions Provide Kids

  Competitions are one of the best ways for young ones to improve their skills. In a coding competition, a contestant is tested with a game or website development project. The contestant who can apply their coding knowledge to practise and create something innovative wins the coding competition. Coding contests can be organised for kids with varying coding skills: beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. Let’s learn about the benefits of coding competitions. Table of Contents Encourage Kids To Improve Their Skill Set Improve Problem-Solving Skills Encourage Creativity and Innovation Improve Concentration Abilities Improve Memory Encourage Kids To Improve Their Skill Set While a kid does improve coding skills through a teacher or a workshop, a coding competition can further sharpen their skill set over what they have learnt. Coding competitions enable kids to view and analyse the work of others, contrary to them working alone on coding projects. Coding knowledge will help the young o

A Mobile App Development Course will Cultivate Your Child’s Successful Programming Career, Here’s Why!

Mobile apps are a fun little way to spend time, especially for children who are overly excited about games. Their constant “ Do you have games on your phone? ” may annoy you, your friends, and your relatives; but it’s a sign that they are intrigued by innovation. Your child most likely has the gift of creativity, so why not leverage it to build them a successful career in what they’re interested in? Trust us, they’ll appreciate your proactiveness throughout their lives, as the career of a developer is spangled with an unbeatable salary package and an adventurous career. According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a Mobile Application Developer in the United States of America is $97,217. They can earn up to more than $200,000 as they climb the ladder of their career and get the opportunity to work on game-changing mobile applications like augmented reality, virtual reality , mobile fintech, cryptocurrency, and more. Successful Mobile Application Developers start their day with a warm

The Top 8 Reasons Why Kids Should Experience Entrepreneurship

As parents, we’re always looking for ways to help our kids succeed in life, especially professionally. We want them to be prepared for the future struggles that are yet to come and we need to imbibe them with habits and qualities that promote perseverance against difficult situations. Fortification of their management skills is a must, unfortunately, there are not enough ways to go about them. The best way to do that may be through entrepreneurship. Understanding the goals of or perhaps taking up entrepreneurship can inculcate character development and provide a variety of opportunities that can prove momentous to one’s life. Since some parents or stakeholders may not be business-savvy or may not comprehend the advantages of entrepreneurship, this blog will educate them on the same. So, without further ado, here are 8 reasons why kids should experience entrepreneurship. Table of Contents Self-reliance Improved communication skills Bolstered critical thinking Creative problem solving Pr